PhD student in Computational Neuroscience and ML based in Tübingen 🇩🇪

In love with everything regarding the brain and how it supports cognition. My ultimate goal is to use this knowledge in helping design intelligent, adaptive, artificial systems that will shape our future.



MSc Thesis

BSc Thesis

About This Site

Hello there, and welcome to my personal website!

I wanted a space on which I could share my work in a public and informal way. Here there is everything about me: from my university essays to my passions.

Recent projects and contributions

A deep-learning strategy to identify cell types across species from high-density extracellular recordings

GitHub - m-beau/NeuroPyxels: NeuroPyxels (npyx) is a python library built for electrophysiologists using Neuropixels electrodes. This package stems from the need of a pythonist who really did not want to transition to MATLAB to work with Neuropixels: it features a suite of core utility functions for loading, processing and plotting Neuropixels data.

GitHub - namiyousef/argument-mining: Repository for NLP project. Name to be changed when we decide on a project

GitHub - fededagos/UCL: Coursework from the MSc Machine Learning at University College London, 2021/2022.

Latest Essays

BSc Dissertation: Cooperative nest maintenance in ants

Despite the great structures that European wood ants build, evidence is they cooperate very lazily. What are the implications of this?

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Numerical cognition: is there an innate sense of number?

The answer, unsurprisingly, depends on what you mean by number. Touching on a lot of debates, I try to make some sense of the neural underpinnings of number.

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Could machines ever be conscious? How will we know?

With growing interest in AI and rapid developments in consciousness science, tackling the question of machine consciousness is now unavoidable.

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My passions

💻 Everything Tech

I am a true tech enthusiast. I must know everything, from the latest news in the Windows and MacOS worlds to the latest productivity shortcut that lets you save 5s a day.

➗ Maths

I am obsessed with mathematics and how it runs everything in our life, under the hood. Far from a maths phobic, I am one of those people that watches "Numberphile" videos in his free time.

🧠 Neuroscience

What I have actually studied at Uni, and what fascinates me every day. My fields of interest are mainly cognitive, theoretical and computational.

🤖 Artificial Intelligence

It is hard to imagine a future without AI, and is up to this generation to build it in a solid and responsible way. Embodied AI and Deep Learning are my main interests.

🔎 Philosophy

No good science can be made without a solid philosophical ground. From Plato to Nietzsche, passing by Spinoza, I love reading the philosophical works that built our culture.

🐶 Dogs

Yes, I am one of those people. Dogs are better than cats. Deal with it.